Green New Deal Symposium

Date:  May 20, 2021

Agenda: See attached (in MS Word).  Also, accessible online at:

Attendees:  See attached (in MS Excel)

Co-organizers: Bay Area Green New Deal Alliance, Contra Costa County Climate Leaders, Generation Green, and Sierra Club Mt. Diablo Chapter

Over the past two years, visionaries at the federal, state, and local levels have worked on their own version of a Green New Deal. They have crafted policies, programs, ordinances, declarations, reach codes and more to help our country implement climate stabilization solutions. At this two hour virtual on-line workshop, we presented local governments in the Bay Area that are working on, or have passed, their own equitable, clean energy, jobs and Economic Recovery Plans! The speakers included discussion of the process, resources and funding opportunities utilized.  You can find a recording of the full workshop here.

Speaker Presentations included:

1.    City of Fremont, Rachel DiFrancoMicrogrids on Fire Stations Demonstration Project. (In Powerpoint)

2.    City of Burlingame, Sigalle MichaelElectrification Reach Codes. (in Powerpoint)

Other Resources