
Installing solar panels and battery storage systems are important ways to mitigate the climate crisis by reducing emissions and promoting renewable energy integration.

  • Solar panels generate clean energy from the sun, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

  • Battery storage systems optimize renewable energy use, balancing supply and demand.

  • Decentralized solar power enhances grid resilience and reduces vulnerability to disruptions.

  • Battery storage provides grid stability by smoothing out the intermittency of renewable energy sources.

  • Solar power enables electrification of transportation and heating sectors, reducing emissions.

  • Solar and storage systems have minimal environmental impacts compared to fossil fuel-based sources.

Solar and Storage Scoring

Installed Solar in 2022

Installed Storage

Moraga, Concord, and Danville all have at least one storage project with a 6953 kWh rating. This installation drives their high score.

Install Statistics

Non-Residential Installs

Residential Installation are by far the most common. This chart breaks down the count of other installation by sector.

Cost of Systems

3rd Party Ownership Rates

Third-party ownership of solar panels offers an accessible and hassle-free pathway for property owners to adopt solar energy. With this arrangement, a solar provider installs and maintains the solar panel system while the property owner benefits from the generated electricity. By eliminating upfront costs and handling system maintenance, third-party ownership allows property owners to enjoy the advantages of solar energy without the financial burden or complexities associated with ownership. Through lease or power purchase agreements, property owners can access clean energy, lower electricity bills, and long-term price stability while contributing to environmental sustainability.

Top 5 Installers in the County

There are over 300 unique Solar installers in Contra Costa County active in 2022

Interconnections by City

Interconnection systems for rooftop solar in California refer to the process and regulations that govern the connection of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems to the electrical grid. These systems ensure that rooftop solar installations can safely and reliably generate electricity and feed it back into the grid. The interconnection process is overseen by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and is designed to streamline the integration of renewable energy sources while maintaining grid stability.

EV Solar Combination Rates

Pairing an electric vehicle (EV) with solar power delivers a range of benefits, combining clean transportation with renewable energy. By charging an EV with solar-generated electricity, you minimize carbon emissions and improve air quality. The use of solar power reduces or eliminates fuel costs, leading to significant long-term savings. Additionally, the synergy between solar energy and EVs provides energy independence, resilience during power outages, and the opportunity to take advantage of incentives and rebates. This combination showcases environmental responsibility and contributes to a sustainable future, making it an attractive choice for eco-conscious individuals seeking cost-effective and clean transportation solutions.

Data Description and Citation

The data used in this analysis includes the following: The California Distributed Generation Statistics per CPUC Energy Diversion provides information on solar and storage installation rates. Last updated March 31 2023

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